Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Criteria
Prospectus can be collected on the remittance of requisite fee (Rs. 200/-).
Minimum eligibility criteria for application to course would be as per the state government rules.
The process of admission will be strictly on the basis of merit for UG/PG course . Weightagte will be given as per the state government norms.

Admission forms will be accepted only from those students who have secured a minimum of 60% marks in the subject offered for admission in this institution in their qualifying examination from national open school or other Boards outside the state of rajasthan.
Students seeking admission in B.A Part-I will have to choose three optional papers from any one group only. (Group A,B or c).
Regular students those who are eligible for Pt.-II and Pt.-III to fill re-admission forms, within 15 days from the date of declaration of the result otherwise they can be denied for admission in the course.
Weightagte of 5% will be given to all girl candidates in all co-education courses.
Candidates admitted to the college must deposited the required fee at respective fee counter through Demand Draft / Pay Order only in favor of "Principal, S.S jain Subodh P.G College" payable at jaipur.They are advised to write their name, Father's name and class on the back side of Demand Draft/Pay Order.
All the disputes are subject to jaipur jurisdiction only.